Rob Martin  › Maverick DG: Friday Flexer at Black Hoof   Sticky August 31 at 4:35pm

Thank you for coming to the Friday Flexer at Black Hoof. We really dodged a bullet with the rain.

Payouts have been posted to the dgscene event page. If you are on a desktop you'll find them on the front page. If you are on a mobile you'll find it under the 'Results' tab.

If you won your division and would like a First Place blue ribbon let me know. They can be picked up at the store.

We are having a Labor Day Weekend Sale right now. However tournament payouts cannot be combined with the sale. The reason is the finances of tournament payouts are based on retail prices. But if you are looking for something, the sale is:

25% off: All clothing, DGA, Legacy, Lone Star and Prodigy discs.
15% off: All baskets, Axiom, MVP, Streamline, Clash, Infinite and Thought Space discs
20% off: Everything else including bags, retrievers, and all other manufacturer discs in stock. ('Wrecking ball' and 'Sky Walker 2' are excluded)