CJ Richards  › Flex at the Fork 2   August 16 at 2:50pm

Hey all, I’m going to need to join a card to play in the flex. Will anyone have room for 1 or maybe 2 guys to make a full card of 3-5? (My buddy may join too.) If so, let me know and I can make sure I line up my timing with you. Thanks!

Jaime Valdez   August 16 at 3:58pm

Cj, yall can both play with us. We’ve got a card of 3 and plan on playing around 11:30-12 ish

CJ Richards   August 16 at 5:33pm

What’s up Jaime! Thanks man!

Jaime Valdez   August 16 at 6:17pm

No problem dude! The time isn’t set in stone but should be at the course by 11:30 for sure

CJ Richards   August 17 at 2:52am

See ya there!

Jaime Valdez   August 17 at 3:00pm

Hey cj is your buddy playing or is it just you?

CJ Richards   August 17 at 4:33pm

Just me be there in 3min