We are Full for tomorrow, Mandatory check-in between 8:15am & 9:15am If you do not check-in your spot will be given away to any walkups in the morning hole assignments have been posted https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/82719 a digital player meeting has been emailed out Projected payouts are posted https://www.pdga.com/apps/tournament/manager/payouts_projected?TournID=82719 50/50 CTP will be on hole 17 there is a lot of stone around the basket so there will be a measuring tape next to the basket please write your distance on the flag next to your name, if your closer than 6 feet , where the rocks are
We are Full for tomorrow,
Mandatory check-in between 8:15am & 9:15am
If you do not check-in your spot will be given away to any walkups in the morning
hole assignments have been posted
a digital player meeting has been emailed out
Projected payouts are posted
50/50 CTP will be on hole 17
there is a lot of stone around the basket
so there will be a measuring tape next to the basket
please write your distance on the flag next to your name, if your closer than 6 feet , where the rocks are