Travis Thompson  › Prodigy Star Series IV sponsored by Chick-fil-A - #2 Gatewood Park   July 26 at 4:35am

Yes, if the event is a true amateur trophy only the TD should payout 100% of the entry fee through player pack and other amenities
If it is a standard C-tier there is a 45% required payout

Will Schusterick   July 26 at 12:33pm

Hi Travis. You comments have been heard enough. As Matt said below, Minimum of 85% payout of Net Entry Fees to Amateur purse (prizes + player packs) for C Tier events. Not only does this event and previous event match that, they exceed it.. Matt and Prodigy provide an excellent value to the players ... more

Travis Thompson   July 27 at 1:09am

Clarified this with PDGA event support staff, my interpretation of the 45% rule was incorrect. I apologize

Will Schusterick   July 29 at 8:33pm

Travis, can you go back on all of your Reddit posts, social comments, phone calls, and emails to let everyone know you were incorrect? You sort of blew Matt and the tournament series up for not understanding what you were talking about...

Matt Zollitsch   July 29 at 9:38pm

Appreciate you Will.

Jackson Baer   July 30 at 1:05am

If Zo wins, I want him audited, and I want it now.

Matt Zollitsch   July 30 at 10:11pm

Jackson, let's go brother! See you Sat!

Jackson Baer   August 1 at 2:27pm

Don’t think I can make it, my stupid shoulder again.

Travis Thompson   August 2 at 7:29pm

To be clear, Will, the only thing I was incorrect on was a 40% requirement. Everything in my reddit post about Zollitsch being dishonest with players was totally accurate and I stand behind every word of it. Matt called me afterwards to admit that he was in the wrong and personally apologize. The fact that he never did so publicly is very telling about his character