I know I don't have to do this, but I think every player has the right to know how and where their money is going and being spent. Viewpoint is charging $50. per player for the greens fee (which incl ...
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I know I don't have to do this, but I think every player has the right to know how and where their money is going and being spent. Viewpoint is charging $50. per player for the greens fee (which includes the cart). They are also providing extra carts at no charge (first come; first serve) for any caddy. The lunch is $20. per player. So, of the $110. registration fee, $70. is going to the course. They are shutting down all operations that day for us, so we totally have the course to ourselves.
The disc (Pixel putter from MVP) retails at $15. The 18 baskets (rental fee) is $350. The trophies (so far 22) are $241. Sanction round (PDGA) is $50. Insurance for the round (PDGA) is $50. The PDGA fees are $2. per player. After all these fees, it comes to an additional $37. per player.
That makes it roughly $107. per player. This does not include the CTP prizes. Every player will receive in their player pack, 10 raffle tickets. The Pros will receive the hot-stamped disc and the raffle tickets too.