Dennis Stoneman  › Dirty Birdie presents the Emerald Valley Showdown   July 9 at 3:37pm

I want to first say I am very sorry for the vague actions of closing, and not updating quickly. I do want to be completely transparent in this: none of the mistakes I've made in setting up this tournament is the fault of Eugene Disc Golf Club, Dirty Birdie, or Oregon Disc Golf at Alton Baker. I find myself in unprecedented territory. I have unfortunately taken the local club for granted, not done my due diligence of knowing the local schedule, and alienated the local scene. Due to that, and the deal I made for the added cash not coming to fruition, I was unable to secure the needed added cash for a B-Tier, much less what I had promised. I am reaching out to two of the most respected, and best TD's in Oregon, and hoping I can find a good resolution to this.