Tomorrow Tuesday July 9th Huron Valley Sanctioned Singles league will be at Kensington for Toboggan, MPO,MA1,MA2 - will be playing Holes 2,7,8 long tees, MA3 & FPO - all short tees flex start 4:30 to 5:30pm MPO - $15 MA1 - $10 MA2,MA3,FPO - $5 no side bets this week
Douglas McIntosh › Kensington Metropark - Toboggan Course July 8 at 8:49pm
Tomorrow Tuesday July 9th
Huron Valley Sanctioned Singles league will be at Kensington for Toboggan,
MPO,MA1,MA2 - will be playing Holes 2,7,8 long tees,
MA3 & FPO - all short tees
flex start 4:30 to 5:30pm
MPO - $15
MA1 - $10
MA2,MA3,FPO - $5
no side bets this week