Joshua Cheney  › The Elevation Open presented by Innova   3 days ago

Hi everyone, we are less than 2 weeks from the event! Figured it is a good time for an update.

I will be going to the course this week. I'll be taking videos on the holes and pictures. The plan is to post the pictures with the hazard lines drawn in and all so players will have a better idea of the course design. The videos will be on our youtube page (will email the link) so you can watch each hole. These should be out by Tuesday.

The caddy book will be out by Tuesday. I will do a virtual players meeting on Wednesday and will email all the players the link and post it here. That gives you time to ask questions.

Tee times will be posted by Thursday, July 11. The earliest tee time will be 8:30 if we need to start that early. Tee times will be every 15 minutes. We will be going by divisions, with the MA4 starting first and the MPO being the last tee times.

The course will be set up for practice on Friday. Nate and I will be up there setting up some last minute stuff. Amateur players can get their player pack items from us on Friday if you are up there.

If there are any questions let me know!

Erik Dresner   3 days ago

Will the layout be on UDisc for Friday practice rounds?

Joshua Cheney   3 days ago

Great question. I will work on getting it on there. Since there are at least 2 temp baskets I would have to add new positions. I will have an answer after I go up to the course.