Rob Starkey  › USDGC Doubles Qualifier at Jenkins Mountain Disc Golf   June 24 at 9:13pm

What's the schedule for Saturday?

David Henrickson   June 25 at 1:02pm

Rob- Still working on the caddie book, but it looks like we will check players in from 8:00am to 9:00 am. Gather briefly to confirm hole assignments and then start the first round at either 9:15 or 9:30. Round 2 will probably start between 1 pm and 1:30pm.

David Henrickson   June 25 at 1:02pm

Full players email with caddie book will go out Tuesday evening.

Rob Starkey   June 25 at 1:26pm

Thank you, David.

David Henrickson   June 26 at 1:59pm

Just sent the first email with event details, caddie book, etc.