Michael Hanna Jr  › Full Blast Disc Golf's Lord of the Flings 2024 Presented by Bangarang Discs   June 24 at 4:03pm

Any chance of additional spots opening up? I see that it was changed to 5-player cards but still only shows 87 players instead of 90. Im #3 on the waitlist and I really want to play this tournament!

Jason Cummings   June 25 at 3:51pm

Those spots are for another pool. We're trying to keep everyone throwing the same layout on a card, or at least from the same tees.

Michael Hanna Jr   June 25 at 5:25pm

Ok thanks, I will keep checking this week to see if anything changes.

Jason Cummings   June 25 at 6:29pm

Sometimes it moves when we send the emails out this week.

Michael Hanna Jr   June 26 at 2:27pm

That's what I am hoping for!