Congrats to MVP Glitch World Championship Qualifier registered players Deborah and Duncan!
Deborah will receive her choice of a Simon Lizotte-autographed Pixel or a Sarah Hokom-autographed eclipse Crave, while Duncan will receive his choice of a soft proton OTB Glitch, or an eclipse Pitch.
Their names were among the 16 players in the two drawings, which the club promised to hold if registration for its MVP GWCQ reached 16 or more players by noon on June 13 (see the video of the drawings on the club Facebook page -
Deborah and Duncan, you can pick up your choice of discs on event day (June 29). Please email [email redacted] or text 301-338-4533 to let the club know which disc each of you prefer so we can set them aside.
Kevin Spradlin › MVP Glitch World Championship Qualifier - Hosted by ACDGC June 13 at 8:19pm
Congrats to MVP Glitch World Championship Qualifier registered players Deborah and Duncan!
Deborah will receive her choice of a Simon Lizotte-autographed Pixel or a Sarah Hokom-autographed eclipse Crave, while Duncan will receive his choice of a soft proton OTB Glitch, or an eclipse Pitch.
Their names were among the 16 players in the two drawings, which the club promised to hold if registration for its MVP GWCQ reached 16 or more players by noon on June 13 (see the video of the drawings on the club Facebook page -
Deborah and Duncan, you can pick up your choice of discs on event day (June 29). Please email [email redacted] or text 301-338-4533 to let the club know which disc each of you prefer so we can set them aside.
Thanks everyone - see you June 29!