24 players made it out for 1-18 short tees, Kelsey Martin in FPO beat over 1/2 of the men today, Andrew Frescoln won $30 in MPO, Brian Kretschmer & Zach Forte each won $22 in MA3, Mack Cee won $10 in MA1, Jeff Zajac & Douglas McIntosh each won $10 in MA2, Michael Goodwin won the $19 cash CTP on hole 13 & the $19 cash CTP on hole 17, the ace pool is now up to $84, the hole-by-hole scores and unoffical ratings can been seen at:
Bald Mountain Sanctioned Singles May 9 at 4:49am
Week 3 @ Bald MT
24 players made it out for 1-18 short tees, Kelsey Martin in FPO beat over 1/2 of the men today, Andrew Frescoln won $30 in MPO, Brian Kretschmer & Zach Forte each won $22 in MA3, Mack Cee won $10 in MA1, Jeff Zajac & Douglas McIntosh each won $10 in MA2, Michael Goodwin won the $19 cash CTP on hole 13 & the $19 cash CTP on hole 17, the ace pool is now up to $84, the hole-by-hole scores and unoffical ratings can been seen at:
Next Week Wednesday May 15th
1-18 Short tees
tee off @ 5:30pm