James Genna  › 4th Timmons Tee Party   May 8 at 3:16pm

Gabe.......Really bathroom fees.....LOL Your the 1st....LOL

Sawyer Berry   May 8 at 3:34pm

You do realize those are fees from the Parks Department for the new bathrooms at Timmons right?

Gabe Brown   May 8 at 4:19pm

All my events list those fees. It covers wif we have to pay for course rental, or bathrooms, etc. All TDs should have this notice in their event. It is required by PDGA, but everyone complies a bit differently.

KEVIN Harper   May 14 at 2:03am

Bro's,,,,,if u have ever played at a course that didn't have a bathroom & u realy needed to use one,,,,,trust me,,,,u would pay a lot more then 2 bucks for one to magicly appear ;)