Hi. Just wondering when we will have a better approximation of our division tee times? Have some things I need to work around and it'd be great to know. Thanks.
Hi Scott. I will be removing and combining divisions one month before the tournament (i.e. May 15) based on the registration list. I plan on sharing a general idea of tee times for all divisions within a short time after that, which should help with planning your days during the event. I’m no ...
Hi Scott. I will be removing and combining divisions one month before the tournament (i.e. May 15) based on the registration list. I plan on sharing a general idea of tee times for all divisions within a short time after that, which should help with planning your days during the event. I’m not able to provide an actual tee time until registration closes and the registration list is finalized. Your actual tee time will be posted on the PDGA event page the day before the event. As a friendly reminder, we ask that everyone arrives 15 minutes before their actual tee times to ensure everyone on your card is set up for scoring and has an opportunity to ask questions prior to their round.
Hi Scott. I will be removing and combining divisions one month before the tournament (i.e. May 15) based on the registration list. I plan on sharing a general idea of tee times for all divisions within a short time after that, which should help with planning your days during the event. I’m no ... more
Hi Scott. I will be removing and combining divisions one month before the tournament (i.e. May 15) based on the registration list. I plan on sharing a general idea of tee times for all divisions within a short time after that, which should help with planning your days during the event. I’m not able to provide an actual tee time until registration closes and the registration list is finalized. Your actual tee time will be posted on the PDGA event page the day before the event. As a friendly reminder, we ask that everyone arrives 15 minutes before their actual tee times to ensure everyone on your card is set up for scoring and has an opportunity to ask questions prior to their round.