William Larkins  › Whistlers Bend Doubles Shootout Presented by Cougar Cannabis   May 2 at 12:14am

How does waitlist work? Does a team from the same division have to drop out?

William Larkins   May 3 at 12:31am


Scott Withers   May 3 at 4:06am

It's a little confusing for this event. If its MPO or MP40 it can be filled by either of those divisions as the plan is for them to play in groups of three teams. MA1 will also play in groups of three teams so in their flight, a MA1 wait list spot can only be filled by an MA1 team. Any other ... more

William Larkins   May 14 at 12:18am

If a ma1 team drops before a ma2 we’d bump up if it’ll get us a spot