All sand traps are hazard unless otherwise stated. All water is OB unless otherwise stated. All drop zones are marked with pink flags. Yellow paint is hazard, white is OB.
Caddy Book Update Thursday April 25th, 2024
River Run
A - Par 3 - 278ft - Temp Tee - Mando is not in play, this is different from the tee-sign.
B - Par 3 - 216ft - Cart Path Tee - Road and beyond, creek and beyond right.
1 - Par 3 - 237ft - Sand traps is Hazard. Creek left surrounded by water is OB.
2 - Par 3 - 222ft - Sand trap is Hazard. Road and beyond is OB.
3 - Par 3 - 167ft - Beyond the fork in the cart path is OB. Sand trap plays as hazard.
4 - Par 3 - 267ft - Surrounded by water in the pond is OB. Water outcropping not in the OB pond marked by the green is casual (806.03). You may take relief with no penalty. Building is Relief Area (806.04). If your disc lands on or in the building, you may take your lie at the last spot it was in- bounds, plus up to 1 meter perpendicular relief, with no penalty. If your disc lands on the ground near the building, you may take your lie up to 1m perpendicular relief from the building, with no penalty.
5 - Par 3 - 207ft - If you miss either mandatory, options are limited to previous lie or Drop Zone near Mandatories. Marked by pink flags.
6 - Par 3 - 336ft - Surrounded by water, in the river and beyond the river are OB.
7 - Par 3 - 285ft - Road and beyond OB.
8 - Par 4 - 453ft - OB inside the marked area between the river banks. Right of path beyond the bridge is out of bounds.
9 - Par 3 - 242ft - The bunker/Sand Trap on 9 is an Island Green. All OB shots are limited to drop zone (on the island green) or previous lie. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply.
10 - Par 3 - 211ft - Creek and beyond right is OB. If you’re surrounded by water or beyond the water you’re OB.
C - Par 3 - 269ft - Cart Path Tee - Surrounded by water is OB.
14 - Par 3 - 349ft - Surrounded by water, beyond creek right is OB.
15 - Par 3 - 267ft - Surrounded by water or beyond creek right marked by white rope is OB.
16 - Par 3 - 329ft - Surrounded by water or beyond creek left marked by white rope is OB.
17 - Par 3 - 303ft - Right of white painted line and beyond is OB. Marked edges of the peninsula marked by white rope are OB. Surrounded by water or beyond the creek is OB.
18 - Par 3 - 306ft - In-bounds areas are limited to the safe area before the river and the marked Island Green between the rivers. All OB shots are limited to Drop Zone marked by pink flags or previous lie. Once a lie has been established on the island, regular OB rules apply.
1. Par 3, 333ft, Marked area beyond basket is OB. Sand trap is hazard.
2. Par 4, 546ft, Marked area on right is OB. Across the cart path left and long is OB. Cart path itself is in bounds.
3. Par 4, 379ft, Cart path and beyond right is OB.
4. Par 3, 276ft, River (surrounded by water) and beyond right is OB. You are teeing within the out of bounds. The disc must cross in bounds to advance. Surface of the bridge is OB. You may take casual relief from under the bridge if the disc comes to rest under the bridge. Players may take extra relief up to 2 meters from the edge of the river.
5. Par 3, 261ft, River and beyond is OB. Players may take extra relief up to 2 meters from the edge of the river.
6. Par 4, 402ft, River (Surrounded by water) and beyond left are OB. Fence and beyond to the right is OB.
7. Par 4, 506ft, Short tee, If your tee shot does not come to rest in bounds proceed to drop zone marked by pink flags that is located right across the bridge. OB inside the marked area between the river banks. Bridge is OB. - In the rocky area on the green, you may play with any of the following options: A. The lie as determined by the disc at rest (either on a rock or on the ground).B. If a rock prevents you from taking a stance, you may treat it as a large solid obstacle and move immediately behind the rock (803.02.B)C. If your lie is under a rock and you cannot reasonably take a stance, the group may decide that you may lift it to the top surface of the rock and play from the resulting lie (805.01.C)D. If your lie is inside the cave and inside the painted line, you may play from the orange marker Drop Zone with no penalty. E. If your lie is on top of the rock above the basket and inside the marked area, you MUST play from the Red Stake Drop Zone, with no penalty.
8. Par 3, 303ft, Mando Right and Mando Left; Drop Zone marked by pink flags for missing either Mando is the tee.
9. Par 3, 378ft, In the rocky area on the green, you may play with any of the following options: A. The lie as determined by the disc at rest (either on a rock or on the ground) B. If a rock prevents you from taking a stance, you may treat it as a large solid obstacle and move immediately behind the rock (803.02.B) C. If your lie is under a rock and you cannot reasonably take a stance, you may lift it to the top surface of the rock and play from the resulting lie (805.01.C)
10. Par 4, 606ft, The basket for this hole is to the right. It is NOT the basket you can see from the basket. River (surrounded by water) and beyond right is OB. Sand trap is hazard.
11. Par 3, 288ft, Cart path and beyond is OB, Sand traps to the left are hazard.
12. (Pool A) Long Par 3, 297ft (Pool B&C) Short Par 3, 222ft, Island Green is in-bounds, the area around the tee is in-bounds. OB throws from the tee or first in-bounds area are limited to drop zone or re-tee. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply.
13. Par 3, 225ft, Marked area on the left and beyond is OB.
14. Par 4, 612ft, Right of the cart path is OB. Painted line behind basket is OB.
15. Par 3, 294ft, No OB. Sand trap is hazard.
16. Par 3, 330ft, Right of the cart path and beyond is OB. Sand trap is hazard.
17. Par 4, 569ft, Tee is OB. The disc must cross in bounds to advance. Sand trap is hazard. Cart path right is OB. White painted line left and beyond is OB.
18. Par 4, 609ft, Tee is in OB. The disc must cross in bounds to advance. Right side of
19. the cart path and beyond is OB. Marked area on the left is OB. Sand trap is hazard. Road past the basket is OB.
1. Par 3, 381ft, In-bounds area is limited to the island green defined by the area between the cart paths near the basket. Tee is located in OB area. If throws from tee fail to cross over in bounds area or hazard area, next throw is restricted to tee. We recommend calling a provisional! If you land in the hazard area, you may play from your lie with a one throw penalty.
2. Par 4, 390ft, Left of the marked riverbank and beyond is OB. Disc must not enter restricted air space right of the marked tree. If Mando is missed, proceed to drop zone marked by pink flags. If your tee shot does not land in bounds, proceed to drop zone or play where you last crossed in bounds.
3. Par 4, 564ft, Hole 3 has two in bounds areas. The first is between the inside of the cart path on the left and the line of rocks on the right. The second is the Island green ( bunker/sand trap). For any OB throw from the tee, next throw is limited to Drop Zone 1 or re-tee. For any OB throw from the fairway (the fairway being the first in bounds area), next throw is limited to Drop Zone 2 or previous lie. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply. All drop zones are marked with pink flags.
4. Par 3, 302ft, Road and beyond is OB. Cart path is not OB.
5. Par 4, 629ft, Water past the basket is OB marked by white paint. No other OB. The rocks do NOT depict OB. This is different from the tee sign.
6. Par 3, 272ft, Tee is in OB. All OB shots from tee are limited to drop zone (on the island green) or re-tee. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply. Drop zone is makes by pink flags.
7. Par 4, 553ft, You may take casual relief from all creeks and the bridge. Hole 7 has rocks throughout; All rock surfaces may be considered casual areas. You may take non-penalty relief backward on the line of play to the first available lie. No OB. Sand trap is hazard.
8. Par 5, 585ft, Cart path and beyond encircling the green left and right are OB. Normal OB rules apply. The rock line is not depicting OB. This is different than the tee sign. (The cart paths are your OB lines not the rocks.)
9. Par 4, 657ft, Long tee, Cart path and beyond surrounding the fairway is OB. The tree line left is NOT OB. This is different than the tee sign.
10. Par 4, 503ft, Cart path left and beyond is OB. You may take casual relief from Creek and standing water.
11. Par 4, 375ft, No OB. Drop zone is not in play. This is different than the tee sign.
12. Par 5, 986ft, Tee is OB, must cross in-bounds to advance. If you do not cross in bounds from the tee you must re-tee. Path and beyond on the left is OB. There is no OB right. This is different than the tee-sign. You may take casual relief from the in-bounds portion of the creek that crosses the fairway. White painted line/rope encircling the basket is OB. When in doubt play a provisional!
13. Par 3, 299ft, Long tee, You may take casual relief from all creeks. Hole 13 has rocks; All rock surfaces may be considered casual areas. You may take non-penalty relief backward on the line of play to the first available lie.
14. Par 3, 405ft, Mando left of tree, if missed proceed to drop zone +1 penalty throw. Marked area enclosing the pond past the basket is OB.
15. Par 4, 444ft, Short tee, OB: All area outside of the two defined in-bounds areas: Between the cart path on the left and the marked area on the right along the woods (connecting to the cart path) right of the tee is in-bounds. The area enclosed by rocks is in-bounds. DROP ZONE: Tee is an island in OB. After any tee shot landing OB, proceed to DZ1 or re-tee +1 penalty throw. After any shot from the fairway (the fairway being the first in-bounds area) landing OB, proceed to DZ2 or re-throw from previous lie +1 penalty throw. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply.
16. Par 4, 378ft, OB: All area outside of the two defined in-bounds areas: The area on the right side of the river between the cart path and the river bank is in-bounds. The ISLAND GREEN, defined by marked area on the left side of the river beyond the bridge, and inside the lower plateau between the marked line and the river. DROP ZONE: After any shot that lands OB, proceed to DZ on the bridge or re-throw from previous lie +1 penalty throw. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply.
17. Par 4, 445ft, OB: The top of the riverbank left defined by white rope, and rope line past basket and beyond. HAZARD: Cart path right and beyond; Sand trap. Left and beyond the top of the river bank is OB, white rope encircling the basket is OB, cart path on right and beyond is hazard.
18. Par 5, 828ft, ALL PAINTED OB IS ALSO FLAGGED WITH WHITE FLAGS. OB: River right and beyond, excluding ISLAND GREEN; Cart path left, Road long and beyond. DROP ZONE: FAIRWAY: All tee shots must come to rest safe on the fairway. Any throw that does not is limited to the drop zone marked by pink flags. All shots from the drop zone proceed with normal OB rules. ISLAND GREEN: The island is any land that is apart of the peninsula, NOT THE WHITE ROPE. This is different than years past. Ignore the white rope on the island. Throws must come to rest safe on the island. After any throw landing OB, proceed to the last point in bounds on the main fairway. Once a lie has been established on the island, standard OB rules apply. This hole is different than what the tee sign shows. PLEASE USE PROVISIONALS FOR PACE OF PLAY AND QUESTIONS.
All sand traps are hazard unless otherwise stated. All water is OB unless otherwise stated. All drop zones are marked with pink flags. Yellow paint is hazard, white is OB.
Caddy Book Update Thursday April 25th, 2024
River Run
A - Par 3 - 278ft - Temp Tee - Mando is not in play, this is different from the tee-sign.
B - Par 3 - 216ft - Cart Path Tee - Road and beyond, creek and beyond right.
1 - Par 3 - 237ft - Sand traps is Hazard. Creek left surrounded by water is OB.
2 - Par 3 - 222ft - Sand trap is Hazard. Road and beyond is OB.
3 - Par 3 - 167ft - Beyond the fork in the cart path is OB. Sand trap plays as hazard.
4 - Par 3 - 267ft - Surrounded by water in the pond is OB. Water outcropping not in the OB pond marked by the green is casual (806.03). You may take relief with no penalty. Building is Relief Area (806.04). If your disc lands on or in the building, you may take your lie at the last spot it was in- bounds, plus up to 1 meter perpendicular relief, with no penalty. If your disc lands on the ground near the building, you may take your lie up to 1m perpendicular relief from the building, with no penalty.
5 - Par 3 - 207ft - If you miss either mandatory, options are limited to previous lie or Drop Zone near Mandatories. Marked by pink flags.
6 - Par 3 - 336ft - Surrounded by water, in the river and beyond the river are OB.
7 - Par 3 - 285ft - Road and beyond OB.
8 - Par 4 - 453ft - OB inside the marked area between the river banks. Right of path beyond the bridge is out of bounds.
9 - Par 3 - 242ft - The bunker/Sand Trap on 9 is an Island Green. All OB shots are limited to drop zone (on the island green) or previous lie. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply.
10 - Par 3 - 211ft - Creek and beyond right is OB. If you’re surrounded by water or beyond the water you’re OB.
C - Par 3 - 269ft - Cart Path Tee - Surrounded by water is OB.
14 - Par 3 - 349ft - Surrounded by water, beyond creek right is OB.
15 - Par 3 - 267ft - Surrounded by water or beyond creek right marked by white rope is OB.
16 - Par 3 - 329ft - Surrounded by water or beyond creek left marked by white rope is OB.
17 - Par 3 - 303ft - Right of white painted line and beyond is OB. Marked edges of the peninsula marked by white rope are OB. Surrounded by water or beyond the creek is OB.
18 - Par 3 - 306ft - In-bounds areas are limited to the safe area before the river and the marked Island Green between the rivers. All OB shots are limited to Drop Zone marked by pink flags or previous lie. Once a lie has been established on the island, regular OB rules apply.
1. Par 3, 333ft, Marked area beyond basket is OB. Sand trap is hazard.
2. Par 4, 546ft, Marked area on right is OB. Across the cart path left and long is OB. Cart path itself is in bounds.
3. Par 4, 379ft, Cart path and beyond right is OB.
4. Par 3, 276ft, River (surrounded by water) and beyond right is OB. You are teeing within the out of bounds. The disc must cross in bounds to advance. Surface of the bridge is OB. You may take casual relief from under the bridge if the disc comes to rest under the bridge. Players may take extra relief up to 2 meters from the edge of the river.
5. Par 3, 261ft, River and beyond is OB. Players may take extra relief up to 2 meters from the edge of the river.
6. Par 4, 402ft, River (Surrounded by water) and beyond left are OB. Fence and beyond to the right is OB.
7. Par 4, 506ft, Short tee, If your tee shot does not come to rest in bounds proceed to drop zone marked by pink flags that is located right across the bridge. OB inside the marked area between the river banks. Bridge is OB. - In the rocky area on the green, you may play with any of the following options: A. The lie as determined by the disc at rest (either on a rock or on the ground).B. If a rock prevents you from taking a stance, you may treat it as a large solid obstacle and move immediately behind the rock (803.02.B)C. If your lie is under a rock and you cannot reasonably take a stance, the group may decide that you may lift it to the top surface of the rock and play from the resulting lie (805.01.C)D. If your lie is inside the cave and inside the painted line, you may play from the orange marker Drop Zone with no penalty. E. If your lie is on top of the rock above the basket and inside the marked area, you MUST play from the Red Stake Drop Zone, with no penalty.
8. Par 3, 303ft, Mando Right and Mando Left; Drop Zone marked by pink flags for missing either Mando is the tee.
9. Par 3, 378ft, In the rocky area on the green, you may play with any of the following options: A. The lie as determined by the disc at rest (either on a rock or on the ground) B. If a rock prevents you from taking a stance, you may treat it as a large solid obstacle and move immediately behind the rock (803.02.B) C. If your lie is under a rock and you cannot reasonably take a stance, you may lift it to the top surface of the rock and play from the resulting lie (805.01.C)
10. Par 4, 606ft, The basket for this hole is to the right. It is NOT the basket you can see from the basket. River (surrounded by water) and beyond right is OB. Sand trap is hazard.
11. Par 3, 288ft, Cart path and beyond is OB, Sand traps to the left are hazard.
12. (Pool A) Long Par 3, 297ft (Pool B&C) Short Par 3, 222ft, Island Green is in-bounds, the area around the tee is in-bounds. OB throws from the tee or first in-bounds area are limited to drop zone or re-tee. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply.
13. Par 3, 225ft, Marked area on the left and beyond is OB.
14. Par 4, 612ft, Right of the cart path is OB. Painted line behind basket is OB.
15. Par 3, 294ft, No OB. Sand trap is hazard.
16. Par 3, 330ft, Right of the cart path and beyond is OB. Sand trap is hazard.
17. Par 4, 569ft, Tee is OB. The disc must cross in bounds to advance. Sand trap is hazard. Cart path right is OB. White painted line left and beyond is OB.
18. Par 4, 609ft, Tee is in OB. The disc must cross in bounds to advance. Right side of
19. the cart path and beyond is OB. Marked area on the left is OB. Sand trap is hazard. Road past the basket is OB.
1. Par 3, 381ft, In-bounds area is limited to the island green defined by the area between the cart paths near the basket. Tee is located in OB area. If throws from tee fail to cross over in bounds area or hazard area, next throw is restricted to tee. We recommend calling a provisional! If you land in the hazard area, you may play from your lie with a one throw penalty.
2. Par 4, 390ft, Left of the marked riverbank and beyond is OB. Disc must not enter restricted air space right of the marked tree. If Mando is missed, proceed to drop zone marked by pink flags. If your tee shot does not land in bounds, proceed to drop zone or play where you last crossed in bounds.
3. Par 4, 564ft, Hole 3 has two in bounds areas. The first is between the inside of the cart path on the left and the line of rocks on the right. The second is the Island green ( bunker/sand trap). For any OB throw from the tee, next throw is limited to Drop Zone 1 or re-tee. For any OB throw from the fairway (the fairway being the first in bounds area), next throw is limited to Drop Zone 2 or previous lie. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply. All drop zones are marked with pink flags.
4. Par 3, 302ft, Road and beyond is OB. Cart path is not OB.
5. Par 4, 629ft, Water past the basket is OB marked by white paint. No other OB. The rocks do NOT depict OB. This is different from the tee sign.
6. Par 3, 272ft, Tee is in OB. All OB shots from tee are limited to drop zone (on the island green) or re-tee. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply. Drop zone is makes by pink flags.
7. Par 4, 553ft, You may take casual relief from all creeks and the bridge. Hole 7 has rocks throughout; All rock surfaces may be considered casual areas. You may take non-penalty relief backward on the line of play to the first available lie. No OB. Sand trap is hazard.
8. Par 5, 585ft, Cart path and beyond encircling the green left and right are OB. Normal OB rules apply. The rock line is not depicting OB. This is different than the tee sign. (The cart paths are your OB lines not the rocks.)
9. Par 4, 657ft, Long tee, Cart path and beyond surrounding the fairway is OB. The tree line left is NOT OB. This is different than the tee sign.
10. Par 4, 503ft, Cart path left and beyond is OB. You may take casual relief from Creek and standing water.
11. Par 4, 375ft, No OB. Drop zone is not in play. This is different than the tee sign.
12. Par 5, 986ft, Tee is OB, must cross in-bounds to advance. If you do not cross in bounds from the tee you must re-tee. Path and beyond on the left is OB. There is no OB right. This is different than the tee-sign. You may take casual relief from the in-bounds portion of the creek that crosses the fairway. White painted line/rope encircling the basket is OB. When in doubt play a provisional!
13. Par 3, 299ft, Long tee, You may take casual relief from all creeks. Hole 13 has rocks; All rock surfaces may be considered casual areas. You may take non-penalty relief backward on the line of play to the first available lie.
14. Par 3, 405ft, Mando left of tree, if missed proceed to drop zone +1 penalty throw. Marked area enclosing the pond past the basket is OB.
15. Par 4, 444ft, Short tee, OB: All area outside of the two defined in-bounds areas: Between the cart path on the left and the marked area on the right along the woods (connecting to the cart path) right of the tee is in-bounds. The area enclosed by rocks is in-bounds. DROP ZONE: Tee is an island in OB. After any tee shot landing OB, proceed to DZ1 or re-tee +1 penalty throw. After any shot from the fairway (the fairway being the first in-bounds area) landing OB, proceed to DZ2 or re-throw from previous lie +1 penalty throw. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply.
16. Par 4, 378ft, OB: All area outside of the two defined in-bounds areas: The area on the right side of the river between the cart path and the river bank is in-bounds. The ISLAND GREEN, defined by marked area on the left side of the river beyond the bridge, and inside the lower plateau between the marked line and the river. DROP ZONE: After any shot that lands OB, proceed to DZ on the bridge or re-throw from previous lie +1 penalty throw. Once a lie has been established on the island green, standard OB rules apply.
17. Par 4, 445ft, OB: The top of the riverbank left defined by white rope, and rope line past basket and beyond. HAZARD: Cart path right and beyond; Sand trap. Left and beyond the top of the river bank is OB, white rope encircling the basket is OB, cart path on right and beyond is hazard.
18. Par 5, 828ft, ALL PAINTED OB IS ALSO FLAGGED WITH WHITE FLAGS. OB: River right and beyond, excluding ISLAND GREEN; Cart path left, Road long and beyond. DROP ZONE: FAIRWAY: All tee shots must come to rest safe on the fairway. Any throw that does not is limited to the drop zone marked by pink flags. All shots from the drop zone proceed with normal OB rules. ISLAND GREEN: The island is any land that is apart of the peninsula, NOT THE WHITE ROPE. This is different than years past. Ignore the white rope on the island. Throws must come to rest safe on the island. After any throw landing OB, proceed to the last point in bounds on the main fairway. Once a lie has been established on the island, standard OB rules apply. This hole is different than what the tee sign shows. PLEASE USE PROVISIONALS FOR PACE OF PLAY AND QUESTIONS.