Bob Cundiff  › Chain Shot   April 21 at 11:22pm

Well, that was a first.....Had a computer croak on me today and replaced it with a new one late this afternoon, just prior to registration. Little did I know that in so doing, my player limit, my waitlist and my Ace/CTP signup would all disappear with the old computer. So suddenly we hit 91 players (I had it set for 90) and I knew something was wrong. So I quick as I could get into settings to stop the entries. Then I saw the waitlist entry was not activated. So I activated that, before I could hit alternate fee and set it at $0 there were nine that paid. Ugh.... so we will find two extra holes. Those on the waitlist, I will refund you in a few minutes while leaving you on the list. When/If you get in, I'll ask you for your money then. All this action took place and filled in 90 seconds. yikes

Brendan Livingston   April 22 at 1:33pm

Oh man that sounds like a nightmare!! Way to persevere.