Steve 'Fanzi' Zaborowski  › 2024 PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships Presented by Discraft   April 3 at 4:56pm

Spots should NOT be reserved for later tiers. I have seen posts from people who have qualified for this event and they are not allowed to register since their registration window has passed. This is the PDGA Amateur World Championships! For players to get invited in the earlier tiers they need to show excellence on the course and its wrong to make them wait so that later tiers have a better chance to get in. It is not in the spirit of competitive disc golf. I’m sure this opinion will be unpopular, but remember, this is one of two amateur majors per year. Majors need to be selective to set themselves apart from a typical A-Tier. Sure, there are some problems with the system (or any system) but majors give players a target to strive for and work towards to be able to register before other players who have not yet reached that target. I know full well the disappointment of not getting into a major, but that disappointment can be seen as fuel for improvement or as barrier to entry. I realize the entire process is outlined in the registration schedule pdf, I simply disagree with it, why stop T1 or T2 players from registering after only a week? Regardless, I do really appreciate the PDGA and tournament staff, I know everyone puts in a lot of effort and I have nothing but love for everyone involved.

Tyler Buckley   April 3 at 5:39pm

Tier 1 has had two weeks and tier 2 has had a week. Demand for majors will be greater and is different from an A-tier which also means that people need to be prepared and ready to register when the tier registrations open. Wasn't it last year at champions cup when some notable pros missed becau ... more

Andrew Sweeton   April 3 at 6:16pm

That capping was necessary for the third tier because it is a tier specific only to demographics to allow Canadians and Internationals a chance to register (to make it a Worlds.) If all the spaces were allowed to be consumed during that tier there would be no space left for those that had to wait un ... more

Steve 'Fanzi' Zaborowski   April 4 at 12:03am

I completely understand and support the Tier 3 capping as to help allocate tournament spots between national and international players. Would this tournament ever be allowed to fill up in Tier 1 or Tier 2? If so, then doesn’t it seem unfair that T1/T2 be disallowed from registering until the e ... more

Jonathan Price   April 4 at 6:35pm

Steve, to quote Happy Days, “Sit on it!”

Steve 'Fanzi' Zaborowski   April 5 at 3:34am

Haha :)