Nathan Erickson  › Red Rose Roundup - Roland Park 2024   March 19 at 9:23pm

Is there any chance you would let the waitlist people in and have a few cards of 5?

Shawn Conroy   March 19 at 9:45pm

Already being 108 players and 27 holes, it's a long round.

Josh Alcock   March 19 at 10:20pm

Just wait till thursday when people see its supposed to rain and drop. I bet you'll get in haha

Ed Zajac   March 20 at 1:20am

red dead with 27 holes and 5 per card...and rain...not like we will get this saturday but it is forecast to rain...lasted 6 hours!

Shawn Conroy   March 20 at 1:31am

exactly my concern

Frank Ratkiewicz   March 20 at 12:22pm

Nobody who survived Red Dead is in a hurry to repeat the ordeal any time soon.

John Baker   March 20 at 1:16pm

If I could like Frank's comment, I would.

Shawn Conroy   March 20 at 1:50pm


Ed Zajac   March 20 at 11:11pm

The forecast is actually beginning to look a lot like the Red Dead day =) and kinda like RRRU Ship Rock!

Frank Ratkiewicz   March 20 at 11:48pm

Yeah, I'm beginning to see a pattern here.