Les H  › Duck Golf #6 - Squamish Am Day   February 28 at 1:13am

I have received the email describing the tournament layout and I have a few questions - I am relatively new to the game and this is my first tournament. For hole 15, are you saying there will be an area marked out by green flags that will be mandatory to land in? If so, will those flags be up before the tournament? I've played the course so many times and I'm embarrassed to admit I don't remember seeing the two drop zones mentioned on the par 4 hole.

And then hole 18 is described as playing hole 19 (which will have another island). What does this mean?

Ken Nelson   February 28 at 7:51pm

assuming we don't have snow. hole 15 is rec hole 16. Beyond the logs will be OB with circle one being an island. Yes it will all be marked out. The island hole is a make up hole because we are combining hole 11 and 12.