Ben Swam  › 10th Annual Magic City Mega Bowl presented by Dynamic Discs   January 30 at 10:02pm

1-30-2024 - I am very sorry to have to make this type of change after registration has opened.

Unfortunately, due to conflicting events at the Trussville Sports Complex, I cannot, in good conscience, attempt to use the Greg Carter Memorial Disc Golf course for the weekend of the Mega Bowl.

Parking and the number of playable holes would be severely impacted in a negative way.

Because of this, I have reduced the number of pools from 4 to 3 and the course rotation has changed for Pools B and C.

If you are in the MA2 Division, your Pool has changed to Pool A and thus, your course assignments have changed as well.

Again, none of this is what we were expecting and this change is only being made because it is necessary. We will still have a great weekend and hope that you are able to attend.

Obviously, if you require a refund based on these changes, you can initiate the refund process through Disc Golf Scene.

Brooks Fielding   January 31 at 12:23am

Did we lose Pinson as well?

Ben Swam   January 31 at 2:00pm

@Brooks - Pinson will be used for a Flex start event that weekend but will not be included in the A-tier rounds.

Kevin Turner   January 31 at 5:46pm

It's pickleball's fault isn't it?

Ben Swam   January 31 at 5:51pm

@Kevin - Lol, nope, not this time. Soccer and Baseball. Two large tournaments the same weekend.