Remember that you must be a current WDGC club member or Nomad member to participate in this event! Please check that you are paid up for 2024 here: Renew (or start) your membership here: The Sudden Valley Community Association, who host Mossy Roc DGC on their land, requires it, as does our insurance provider.
Whatcom Disc Golf Club › MOSSY ROC ICE BOWL presented by WDGC January 24 at 8:25pm
Remember that you must be a current WDGC club member or Nomad member to participate in this event! Please check that you are paid up for 2024 here:
Renew (or start) your membership here:
The Sudden Valley Community Association, who host Mossy Roc DGC on their land, requires it, as does our insurance provider.