2024 Maple City Ice Bowl Out-of-Bounds
Hole 1 - In or over the road to the left of the fairway.
Hole A - On top of any structure. Inside the fenced-in area.
Hole 2 - Mando left of tree. Missed mando or lost disc go to drop zone.
Hole 3 - In or over the road to the right of the tee and behind the basket.
Hole C - In or on top of any structure. Road is NOT OB.
Hole 5 - Farmstead shelter is OB.
Hole 9 - The private property behind the basket.
Hole 12 - The river. Greater relief no closer to the hole in the line of play.
Hole 13 - The river. Greater relief no closer to the hole in the line of play.
Hole 19 - The Ox Bow School property. The parking lot is in play.
Hole 20 - The Ox Bow School property to the right.
Hole 21 - The maintenance area to the right of the fairway and the road behind the basket.
Hole 22 - The maintenance area to the right of the fairway.
Hole 23 - In or over the road to the right of the fairway and behind the basket.
Hole 24 - The road to the right of the fairway.
Jason Samuel › 2024 Maple City Ice Bowl Sticky January 6, 2024 at 3:39am
2024 Maple City Ice Bowl Out-of-Bounds
Hole 1 - In or over the road to the left of the fairway.
Hole A - On top of any structure. Inside the fenced-in area.
Hole 2 - Mando left of tree. Missed mando or lost disc go to drop zone.
Hole 3 - In or over the road to the right of the tee and behind the basket.
Hole C - In or on top of any structure. Road is NOT OB.
Hole 5 - Farmstead shelter is OB.
Hole 9 - The private property behind the basket.
Hole 12 - The river. Greater relief no closer to the hole in the line of play.
Hole 13 - The river. Greater relief no closer to the hole in the line of play.
Hole 19 - The Ox Bow School property. The parking lot is in play.
Hole 20 - The Ox Bow School property to the right.
Hole 21 - The maintenance area to the right of the fairway and the road behind the basket.
Hole 22 - The maintenance area to the right of the fairway.
Hole 23 - In or over the road to the right of the fairway and behind the basket.
Hole 24 - The road to the right of the fairway.