What would you think about a possible amendment for the rules for future tournaments at Kayak, based on 806.02H? I believe that the cart path being out of bounds, when there are logs on either side in bounds, should be afforded 2 meters of relief instead of the standard 1 meter. I had a drive on 12 yesterday end on the cart path, and where my card decided I crossed OB, with 1 meter relief was basically pinched against a log and was effectively a double penalty because I couldn't take a particularly good stance and had to awkwardly stand-still. I couldn't take a lie further back as there was nowhere in bounds behind my lie in the direction of the basket. I don't mind the path being OB, but it felt very punitive considering that you're already OB and taking a 1 stroke penalty.
Thanks Ken. We'll discuss the best way to handle this going forward so everyone is on the same page. Your suggestion of 806.02H sounds like it would be satisfactory and we could declare relief in these areas of up to 2 meters where logs line the cart paths.