Ambrose Dobrozsi  › Black Friday Leftover Launch   Sticky November 23 at 7:54pm

Players' email:

Thanks for signing up for the Leftover Launch! I'm really excited for this tournament, and really grateful for the turnout so far. We'll be able to give a nice donation to the Fairborn St. Vincent de Paul society to help local folks keep warm through the winter, and I'm really happy about that. I wanted to get the players' email out before thanksgiving dinner, so here it is:

I know that some players had questions about divisions. Join in the discussion here, or email me, and I'll try to make sure everyone's in the best spot. If necessary, I can also switch divisions up tomorrow morning before the first round.

We'll use PDGA live scoring for the round. We're still in 2023, so only two players per card need to keep score.

All of the course particulars are in the hole descriptions in the live scoring app. I'll go over out of bounds rules before round one as well. Remember, if you're unsure, throw a provisional, and then talk to me after the round to clear things up.

I'll make hole assignments after registration closes this evening at 8pm. If there needs to be further conversation about divisions, that may need to get changed, so make sure you check in at the shelter by hole 1 tomorrow morning for the definitive hole assignments.

If you have any other questions, feel free to send me an email.