Gabe Brown  › 2nd Hampton Park Open   November 16, 2023 at 12:48pm

There will be a funeral at the church Saturday with visitation starting at 9am and services starting at 10 am. Out of respect for the family, I will not be sounding a 2 minute warning horn or a horn to start the round. I expect every card to monitor time on their own and stop practice throws at 9:28 and start their round at 9:30. I will resume use of air horn for round 2. I do not know if there will be a procession departing or not, but if you see a funeral procession leaving, stop play out of respect for the family and resume when the procession has passed. If I get any notice of this activity, I will pass it on through a message in live scoring. I will cover this in the player meeting Saturday morning as well.

Stephen Scoggins   November 17, 2023 at 2:03am

Respect this decision Gabe, thanks for the info.