Luke Shelton  › 2nd Annual Fall Fling - Presented By Pure Flight   November 10, 2023 at 7:36pm

Fall Fling OB List

1 - On or right of the road is OB. Must navigate mandatory left of the trees on the right side of the fairway (marked with Mando sign). Any throw that misses the mandatory will proceed to the Drop Zone and assess a 1 stroke penalty.

2 - Any disc surrounded by water behind the basket is OB. Play line of flight and assess a 1 stroke penalty.

3 - Must navigate mandatory left of the trees on the right side of the fairway (marked with Mando sign). Any throw that misses the mandatory will proceed to the Drop Zone and assess a 1 stroke penalty. Any disc surrounded by water is OB. Play line of flight. On or behind road on the left and behind basket is OB. Any disc in flower bed behind basket is OB (flower bed is framed by wooden railroad ties.

4 - Any disc surrounded by water is OB. Play line of flight. On or left of the road is OB. If your drive ends up in the water and never crossed in-bounds, you must proceed to the drop-zone and take a 1 stroke penalty.

5 - Asphalt walking path plays as a river. Any disc on this surface, surrounded on all sides by asphalt, is OB. On or beyond road behind basket is OB.

6 - Any disc on the concrete pad by the out building is considered OB.

7 - On or over road behind basket is OB. Assess a 1 stroke penalty.

8 - You are throwing from OB off the tee. Your drive must cross over to the right side of the road to be considered in bounds. Any disc on or left of the road is OB. Any drive which does not cross and land in bounds, player proceeds to the Drop Zone. Any other throw that lands on or over the road to the left, play line of flight. Concrete slab under pavilion is also OB.

9 - No OB

10 - No OB

11 - No OB

12 - On or over road behind basket is OB

13 - No OB

14 - No OB

15 - On or over road behind basket is OB

16 - Road plays as a river. Any disc that is completely surrounded by asphalt on the road will be considered OB.

17 - Any disc that lands over the fence by the pool is OB. On or over road behind basket is OB. The gravel/concrete area left of the basket down the hill is NOT out of bounds. If your disc comes to rest in or near the construction area, please take 2 meters of casual relief and play your next shot with no penalty.

18 - Any disc that lands over the fence by the pool is OB. Any disc on or over the road is OB. Sidewalk is NOT out of bounds.

19 - On or left of parking lot is OB. Play line of flight. Sidewalk is NOT out of bounds.