2023 Thursday's @ Indy Lake   October 27, 2023 at 1:07am


And just like that, we are done for the year! Thanks again to everyone for coming out! It was a fun year for sure. No aces were hit, so the ace pool will roll over to next year starting at $650!!! Winning the points series this year is David! Boo this man, booooooooo! Top 5 players are now set! The skins match will feature, David, myself, Gary, Matt and Greg. We will be playing for $10 a hole, and any tie equals a push. The remaining $50 dollars will go toward the player with the most skins. This will take place at Bob's course (directions will be provided soon) on Sunday Nov. 5th at noon. Let me know if you cannot make it that day.

We will continue the bag tag challenge until 12/31/2023, basically because we keep forgetting about it. Next year we will hand in tabs before every league round and hand them out accordingly. We also will cut the league a little shorter so we do not have to play glow at the end of the year. Any other suggestions or comments feel free to reach out and we can possibly try some new things next year.

Thanks again you all, it means a lot that you guys kept coming out and making the league what it is. You guys rock! Until next year or the next time I see you on the course!