2023 Grove City PDGA League   October 20, 2023 at 1:11am

Week 30 Registration Open

Registration is now open for Week 30 (Tuesday, October 24)!

We will be playing the 18 Hole format at Memorial Park

There will be a separate cash CTP for MPO/MA1/MA2 and FA1/MA3/MA4. There will also be a free disc CTP for all players (no CTP entry needed).

*** EARLY START TIME *** Please register using the link below, and check in at the pavilion by 4:45pm! We will tee at 5pm!

*** Daylight is fading and cards of 3 will be required unless absolutely necessary. Please maintain a fast pace of play to ensure you finish before dark. We will not be waiting for those running late. ***


Current sign-ups:

Credit sheet: