Question about the arena hole 15 triple mando. The drop spot is located on the other side of the mando from the tee. Does that mean the mando must be achieved from the tee shot?
It does not mean you must navigate the mandatory from tee shot. From the caddie guide: This hole has a triple mandatory. To complete the mandatory, the disc must pass between the two marked vertical posts and below the marked top post. A disc that comes to rest touching or leaning against the wooden ...
It does not mean you must navigate the mandatory from tee shot. From the caddie guide: This hole has a triple mandatory. To complete the mandatory, the disc must pass between the two marked vertical posts and below the marked top post. A disc that comes to rest touching or leaning against the wooden structure is deemed NOT to have entered the restricted space (804.01B,C) just because it is leaning or touching the bamboo/wooden structure. Drop Zone for missed mandatory is located beyond the mandatory on the right side of the fairway. Beyond fence in baseball field is OB. Discs landing in the baseball field may not be retrieved.
It does not mean you must navigate the mandatory from tee shot. From the caddie guide: This hole has a triple mandatory. To complete the mandatory, the disc must pass between the two marked vertical posts and below the marked top post. A disc that comes to rest touching or leaning against the wooden ... more
It does not mean you must navigate the mandatory from tee shot. From the caddie guide: This hole has a triple mandatory. To complete the mandatory, the disc must pass between the two marked vertical posts and below the marked top post. A disc that comes to rest touching or leaning against the wooden structure is deemed NOT to have entered the restricted space (804.01B,C) just because it is leaning or touching the bamboo/wooden structure. Drop Zone for missed mandatory is located beyond the mandatory on the right side of the fairway. Beyond fence in baseball field is OB. Discs landing in the baseball field may not be retrieved.