Regarding the raffle livestream, I don’t have a Facebook account but I’ve heard that it’s possible to stream a public live video if you provide a link. Will this be an option? Thanks!
Not 100% knowledgable on the logistics of the live stream. However you dont need to be on the stream to win prizes. Winners will have prizes ready for pick up at the check in table at the course they are scheduled to play on Sunday.
What is this raffle livestream you speak of??? I've never been smart with money, so.....point me in the right direction.
Raffle tickets will be sold Saturday at the event with a drawing on Saturday night on Facebook
Not 100% knowledgable on the logistics of the live stream. However you dont need to be on the stream to win prizes. Winners will have prizes ready for pick up at the check in table at the course they are scheduled to play on Sunday.
After managing to avoid having a Facebook account for 20 years, not wanting to miss this raffle finally got me to sign up.
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