Victoria Fenninger  › The Leaf Drop Doubles Disc Golf Tournament   August 29, 2023 at 9:02pm

For players who registered early, we have received the finalized menu for the wood-fired pizza being cooked on-site. the pizza and salad are included in your registration. You are now able to edit your registration to choose one of the following pizza options: Queen Margherita, King Pepperoni, Besto Pesto, Grilled Veggie, or Italian Meat Lovers; and also either Ceasar or Mixed Green salad. I will send an email out closer to the event to remind everyone to make a selection so that we can pre-order the pizza and salad ingredients.

DUSTIN MCKNIGHT   August 31, 2023 at 5:30am

How do we edit our registration?

Victoria Fenninger   August 31, 2023 at 7:49pm

If you are logged into to Disc Golf Scene, you can go to the "Registered Players" tab and it give you the option to "Edit" or Withdraw". If you click edit, you should be able to edit your registraion.

Victoria Fenninger   August 31, 2023 at 7:49pm

If you have any issues, you can always message me with your updated preference, and I can manually change it.