KarlHeintz Megger  › Rip City: Presented by "Nice!"   August 27 at 6:15pm

When will we know the layout and OB and have all that finalized?

Cameron Paulsen   August 27 at 6:50pm

Layout has been worked on this past weekend. All pins will be the main pin locations except for hole 9 and hole 14 will be the alts! OB is being finalized later on this week.

Bob Grim   August 30 at 5:53pm

Have OBs been finalized yet? 14 alt ughh. Can’t stand that pin location

James Thompson   August 30 at 8:54pm

14 alt? Both rounds? That’s a horrible pin location.

Cameron Paulsen   August 30 at 10:46pm

All OB has been sprayed and finalizing the OB verbiage tonight and if not done tonight will be done tomorrow.

Bob Grim   August 31 at 12:08am


Tim Briggs   August 31 at 1:46am

Bob! Jim! Other than 14 alt, I believe you guys will enjoy the challenge of the ob, and layout! 9alt is going to play really challenging and exciting with how we marked it!!