Hole 1- Anything completely on sidewalk, cement, or pavement
Hole 2- Anything completely on sidewalk, cement, or pavement. Over the fence to the right.
Hole 3- Anything completely on sidewa ...
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Hole 1- Anything completely on sidewalk, cement, or pavement
Hole 2- Anything completely on sidewalk, cement, or pavement. Over the fence to the right.
Hole 3- Anything completely on sidewalk, cement, or pavement.
Hole 4- Anything on cement or the roof of the school.
Hole 6- On the roof of the barn or over the fence.
Hole 7- Anything completely on cement or playground wood chips. Anything over the fence.
Hole 8- Anything completely into the playground.
Hole 9- Anything completely on sidewalk, cement, or pavement. Ditch between the sidewalk and the road is safe. Grass across the street is OB
Hole 10- Anything in the amphitheater, completely on the driveway or across the driveway. Cement checkerboard is in bounds.
Hole 11- Anything in the driveway or across or in the road.
Hole 12- All pavement, sidewalk, and cement is OB. Anything across the road to the right is OB.
Hole 13- Any cement, pavement, or sidewalk is OB. Anything across the road to the left is OB.
Hole 14- Fence to the right is OB.
Hole 15- Mando that the disc must go completely to the right of the structure. Anything over the fence to the right is OB. Use drop zone for all.
Hole 16- Over the fence to the right or beyond is OB.
Hole 18- Over the fence is OB.