I would recommend that at future Jr. events that there be a parent conduct meeting before play starts. I saw multiple parents swear at and berate their own kids during play. One dad stood next to his son for every shot spending over a minute coaching every shot. It was as if he was playing through his son. It was a distraction to the card. We've played lots of rounds with other adults and have dealt with lots of interesting behavior. But the conduct of some of these parents during these rounds was the worst I've ever seen. Lots of supportive parents out here cheering the kids on, but a few of these "disc dads" spoiled it for me.
Thanks for the feedback Matt. Forwarding to the Majors Committee and Operations & Logistics Team.
I second the idea that Jr. Worlds should never coincide with another World Championship. Last year, I wanted to compete in the AM Masters Worlds, but was unable because it was the exact same week as Juniors, and I can't be there with my son for his rounds and compete in mine at the same time. Same went this year for AM Worlds. I had no option to even consider it.