If I’m already signed up for the doubles at spring valley can I still play this one and get the players pack early and would I have to pay the same fee?
Hey Samuel!! glad to see you are interested in our event. We have no association with the individual that is running the event at Spring Valley. They are two completely separate events and I can't speak on the behalf of that TD. For playing in our event, you will get the same discs that you ...
Hey Samuel!! glad to see you are interested in our event. We have no association with the individual that is running the event at Spring Valley. They are two completely separate events and I can't speak on the behalf of that TD. For playing in our event, you will get the same discs that you will also get at the spring valley event. We require that you pay our entrance fee of 45 dollars to play. You can play in as many of these events all across that world if you would like, but you will get the same discs and pay relatively the same fees at each.
Hey Samuel!! glad to see you are interested in our event. We have no association with the individual that is running the event at Spring Valley. They are two completely separate events and I can't speak on the behalf of that TD. For playing in our event, you will get the same discs that you ... more
Hey Samuel!! glad to see you are interested in our event. We have no association with the individual that is running the event at Spring Valley. They are two completely separate events and I can't speak on the behalf of that TD. For playing in our event, you will get the same discs that you will also get at the spring valley event. We require that you pay our entrance fee of 45 dollars to play. You can play in as many of these events all across that world if you would like, but you will get the same discs and pay relatively the same fees at each.
Gotcha thanks for getting back!
No problem! We have a few packs left and have reopened the registration