
2023 PDGA Amateur Masters Disc Golf World Championships Presented by MVP Disc Sports

Singles tournament · Tue-Sat, Jul 11-15, 2023Jul 2023 · Flagstaff, AZ

Angie Taylor Can you tell me if the schedule times for the FIELD EVENTS for AM Worlds available for viewing? Jun 8, 2023
show 4 earlier comments
Eric Hanson Jun 12, 2023 Thanks for asking, I was hoping to see a comment about this. So, just to clarify, John, if I'm signed up for the putting event I can show up at 2 or 3pm and still compete?
John Birkrem Jun 12, 2023 unless they tell you otherwise between now and then that is what they are telling us.
Eric Hanson Jun 12, 2023 ok, thanks for the speedy reply! I really appreciate it :-)
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