Sure I’ll get some flak, but was there consideration in keeping the original layout and just adding second pin positions? It would be nice to see the original layout available while also offering new options (A/B pins) instead of just switching some of the baskets up completely. I know some Amal’s might have a hard time with some of the recent changes since the course has become a tad more difficult, which there is nothing wrong with. Just my opinion and thoughts after playing last week.
Many of the changes were due to safety concerns so there was not. Discs from 1, 6, 10, 14 regularly have throws that go into other fairways and teepads. So, the changes in 1, (soon to be 7 teepad), 10, and 14 were all directly related to course safety issues.
Having multiple pin locations becomes very tricky with people having the ability to alter the course when leagues and tournaments will rely on consistent layouts and the ability for people to practice the course properly.
Thanks guys for all the work put in at Hollywoods and GRod
The original layout did have a couple questionable safety hazards. I think if you want a fun/beginner friendly, layout, you could always make a dirt pad, short layout, on UDisc. For beginners or approach practice. I did this at Latham Park and some people enjoy it.