Dynamic Discs  › DGPT Elite - Dynamic Discs Open   June 2, 2023 at 7:02pm

Friday, June 2

Hello Competitors and Watilisters,

On behalf of the city of Emporia and Dynamic Discs, we are so excited to host you in a few weeks!

This year, the MPO and FPO divisions are playing all three rounds at the Emporia Country Club.

Competitors in the DGPT event must be current PDGA members and certified officials. Please ensure your certification is valid through all DGPT Dynamic Discs Open tournament dates (Friday, June 16, through Sunday, June 18).

The Dynamic Discs Open Block Party, Vendor Village, and Food Truck Festival are on Saturday, June 17, from 5-10:30 PM in Downtown Emporia (800-900 blocks of Commercial St). You must fill out the vendor form to vend at the block party. *DGPT Tour card holders have one free vending space at the block party. However, this is on a first-come, first-served basis, so again, you must sign up. The fee for additional spaces is $100. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8RHMT9r44raSuoIe8kPAigbvo3xAILwbb9ULrmm2oljSzRg/viewform

The Dynamic Discs Open Week of Qualifier event is on Monday, June 12. This event qualifies for the Dynamic Discs Open, which means one MPO and FPO player can secure a spot in the Dynamic Discs Open! https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/DGPT_Dynamic_Discs_Open_Week_of_Qualifier_2023.

We are continuing the tradition of the Professional Putting Competition! The Dynamic Discs Pro Shop will host the prelims and semifinals, and the finals will take place at the Dynamic Discs Open Block Party. There is an MPO and FPO division. If you wish to sign up, please register here: https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/Dynamic_Discs_Open_Professional_Putting_Competition_2023/register.

If you are still looking for a place to stay, please view our lodging page. The Emporia Fairgrounds (info listed on the lodging page) is available to rent for camping or parking sprinters and campers. https://dynamicdiscsopen.com/lodging.

**Please look for a more informative email next week regarding course maps, practice rounds and areas, parking, scoring, and more. Also, feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

I look forward to seeing you in Emporia soon!

Have a great weekend,

Jackie Morris

Thaddeus Cousins   June 2, 2023 at 9:06pm

How much does it cost to be a spectator?

Dynamic Discs   June 5, 2023 at 3:22pm

You can also volunteer! https://dynamicdiscsopen.com/volunteer-sign-up