
TruBank Des Moines Challenge Presented by Discraft - AM & Pro Masters

PDGA A-tier · Fri-Sun, Jun 2-4, 2023Jun 2023 · Indianola, IA

Micah glinter I was wondering…it says it’s 345 / 360 but there still people waitlisted including me, do you only get in if one person from your divisions drops out? Or does it matter what division. May 30, 2023
Michael Krueger May 30, 2023 It's based on pools. You're waitlisted for MA3, which is B pool. B Pool is technically one over completely full (look at MA2 and MA3).
Ty Tannatt May 30, 2023 Hi Micah, you only get in if a person from your pool drops. You just got in. Check your email.
Micah glinter May 30, 2023 Ok awesome thank you so much
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