Week 2 complete! Gigantic thank you to all 35 players that came out to Trinity Church on a windy Tuesday. This huge turnout really means a lot to us at Tripleaxis and we're having loads of fun meeting ...
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Week 2 complete! Gigantic thank you to all 35 players that came out to Trinity Church on a windy Tuesday. This huge turnout really means a lot to us at Tripleaxis and we're having loads of fun meeting you guys. lets keep it up!
Shoutout to Jack Sullivan breaking the ice and smashing our first ace of the league! however he had not paid into the ace pool so it grows to $135 for next week.
Alex Vander was the winner on our hole 1 long putt challenge and i will bring you the Ledgestone Cryztal Scorch to the round next week for you.
Nick Wasyl shot the hot round this week 46, -11 coming in at a 1005 rated round.
Next week we are back to Burchfield park, if the bugs cooperate we will try rivers edge, if they don't we will be back on renegades with a custom layout!