KEVIN Harper  › 2023 Jonesboro Open Am Side Presented by Prodigy Disc   April 24, 2023 at 2:43am

TD, is there anyway to Block the traffic (who are Not DG'ers) coming into the DG Courses Loop Road at Craighead Park????? It is Hard to play & more time consuming to have to wait for cars inorder to play (who are just looking around woundering whats going on) . I dont think this is such a big request because the rest of the park is open, its only 1 road and theres nothing realy there besides the playground which could still be acessed from the other playground across the bridge. I been to tournys that closed the whole park before, this is only 1 small road, in a huge park. I dont think this is to much to ask at an A tier. Please Consider this and Thank You for your time.

Matt Zollitsch   April 25, 2023 at 12:45pm

Hey Kevin, Im looking onto that. Thank you!

Matt Zollitsch   April 25, 2023 at 10:08pm

Talked with the Forest Staff. They cannot block off the road.

KEVIN Harper   April 26, 2023 at 1:06am

ok, well u asked, thats all u can do, THANKS :)