Tim Brister  › Solomon Center Open   April 20, 2023 at 12:22pm

John, the one thing I will point out is:

Normally the OB, rules, etc. are posted within a few days of the tournament starting. What we want to know before registration opens is:

What's in the players pack?
Is lunch provided or will there be food trucks?
Will the food trucks also be there for dinner?
Is there a players party with a band this year?
Who's the band? Are they changing from years past?
Is there free beer at the players party this year?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you shouldn't have "more details coming" once the tournament opens for registration. That may be the biggest difference in Tommie filling it within hours and there only being 26 people registered after 2 days.

I appreciate all that you do, and really want to see your tournaments be successful, so there's my unsolicited advice.

Look forward to seeing y'all that weekend! Hopefully everything runs smoothly.

Noah Prima   April 20, 2023 at 12:37pm

Mr. Tim, to answer a few of these. I am actively reaching out to local vendors and food trucks to try and get some for lunch and dinner. Lunch will be provided. Players pack, I can’t answer that only John can. We are in contact with tommie to see who he got to come play and I will make sure we ... more

Tim Brister   April 20, 2023 at 1:57pm

Thanks for the response. I am currently signed up, just had some reservations going in, and wanted to point out why the tourney may not have filled immediately like it has in the past.