Jacob Stoner  › Kirsch Lending and Brixx Pizza present the 22nd Annual Tar Heel Open powered by Innova   April 13, 2023 at 12:58pm

Can you open more Ma1 / Ma2 spots?

Nathan McKinnis   April 13, 2023 at 1:14pm

"Please note that I have instituted caps to all divisions to retain spots for female and junior players. If these divisions do not fill, we will reallocate the additional spots to other divisions to bring people in off the waitlist. If any division has fewer than 3 players registered, we will talk to those players to potentially merge them with another division."

Adam Luthman   April 13, 2023 at 4:42pm

Thanks Nathan! He's right, caps will stay in place for a few more weeks. At that point, I'll let people in off the waitlist to fill the spots.