It is divisional depending on who all registers for doubles - MP40, FP40, MP50, FP50, etc. A division needs at least two teams to be held. So for example, if only one team registers in MP65, they will need to move to MP60.
Hey J. Gary. We haven’t made those decisions quite yet but we always try to make sure courses used for doubles match singles courses and layouts. We will update the website with scorecards and layouts when we get that done. See you in Flagstaff!
It is divisional depending on who all registers for doubles - MP40, FP40, MP50, FP50, etc. A division needs at least two teams to be held. So for example, if only one team registers in MP65, they will need to move to MP60.
Thanks Big Dog! What course/ tees would MP60/65 be playing for Doublea?
Aloha Big Dog !!
Hey J. Gary. We haven’t made those decisions quite yet but we always try to make sure courses used for doubles match singles courses and layouts. We will update the website with scorecards and layouts when we get that done. See you in Flagstaff!