Baleigh Hopkins
Hi Dustin! I have celiacs and I was wondering if the hot dogs were gluten free? Most of them are but I just wanted to check and I can always eat it without the bun too Mar 25, 2023
Unfortunately, Bodeins does not have a gluten free option. I will be sure to have an alt player pack ...
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Unfortunately, Bodeins does not have a gluten free option. I will be sure to have an alt player pack option for you to replace the voucher for food. It will be merch related rather than food though. Reach out if I can help with anything else or you have any concerns.
Dale J Miller Mar 29, 2023On this same vein, will there be a vegan option?
Dustin Fry Mar 31, 2023I know I have seen a veggie dog on his menu in the past. We will verify and let you know.
Justin Brentzel Apr 24, 2023Bodiens Dogs offer a veggie sandwich which is (egg, cheese,peppers,onions on toast) if you don't eat any dairy they offered to order some vegan dogs if that is the option you would like to do