Mike Pozar  › Nordisc Tour Røa 2023 powered by Prodigy   March 20, 2023 at 5:20pm

Just a suggestion, since the tourneys fill up so fast: you could set aside a fixed number of spots per division. This reduces bias towards those who are available right when registration opens, which could be skewed towards certain demographics.

It also means more divisions will have a number of participants divisible by 4, which makes constructing cards easier/cleaner and is more competitively balanced.

Joern Idar Kvig   March 20, 2023 at 7:56pm

Thank you for the input Mike, appreciate it!

Eva Totland   March 20, 2023 at 11:06pm

This would be absolutely amazing! I'd love to have more women to compete against but that's almost impossible without at least a time-lock for division reserved spots. For every woman signing up there are probably 50 men or so rushing in to do the same thing. :)