Tyler Searle  › ABBA Ascent presented by Latitude 64   Sticky March 10, 2023 at 11:32pm

Good evening you awesome ABBA Ascent Attendees!

Things are looking great for a groovin event tomorrow! Please take a look at the course rules below, as Brian and I made 2 changes today. 

We are using the PDGA Live scoring tomorrow and the ACCESS CODE is - ABBA
Your tee assignments are now up on the PDGA event page. 

Player Check-In is 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM at the RV near the pavilion and bathrooms.  Amateurs, grab your $10 Voucher, Sweatshirt, and excellent Raptor Eye Judge! 

The tournament starts at 8:30 AM. Be at your assigned course and hole prior to the start time to ensure that you are not penalized. The 2-minute horn is at 8:28 AM.

I highly recommend packing a lunch to ensure that you aren't rushed during the lunch break. Round to will begin 1 hour after the last card in each pool is done. 
Water is available at Hole 11 on Alpha & Barwick, and at the bathroom. The bathroom has a bottle refill station that is filtered and cold.

The awards ceremony will begin immediately following round 2. The top 40% of professional divisions and top 45% of amateur divisions will receive a payout. 

Your Course Rules are as follows.
Hole 8 Alpha has been mowed so the flagged area has been removed.

All Gold Baskets
Water Casual (unless marked otherwise)

Hole 1: 390' (Water OB)
Hole 2: 210'
Hole 3: 300'
Hole 4: 320' (On/Across sidewalk OB)
Hole 5: 192'
Hole 6: 240' (On/Across sidewalk OB)
Hole 7: 215'
Hole 8: 230'
Hole 9: 190' (Over fence OB)
Hole 10: 267' (Island Green. Miss=Drop Zone. Normal OB from DZ and island)
Hole 11: 356' (Over fence OB, Flagged OB parking area & On/Across Main Road OB)
Hole 12: 306' (Over fence OB)
Hole 13: 325' (Over fence OB)
Hole 14: 300'
Hole 15: 240'
Hole 16: 270'
Hole 17: 460' Par 4 (On/Over Road OB)
Hole 18: 195' Stringline OB

Hole 1: (Parking lot OB)
Short 260'
Long 350'

Hole 2: Par 4
Short: 467'
Long: 528'

Hole 3: (Flagged border wall down left side of hole is OB)
Short: 296'
Long: 371'

Hole 4: (Over fence OB)
Short: 272'
Long: 272'

Hole 5: (Over fence OB)
Short: 243'
Long: 278'

Hole 6: (Over fence OB)
Short: 267'
Long: 371'

Hole 7: Par 4 (Over fence OB / Stringline OB)
Short: 647'
Long: 771'

Hole 8:
Short: 281'
Long: 323'

Hole 9:
Short: 202'
Long: 248'

Hole 10:
Short: 222"
Long: 237'

Hole 11:
Short: 272'
Long: 331'

Hole 12: Par 4
Short: 437'
Long: 566'

Hole 13: Par 4 (Over fence OB)
Short: 371'
Long: 410'

Hole 14:
Short: 290'
Long: 337'

Hole 15:
Short: 320'
Long: 354'

Hole 16:
Short: 250'
Long: 287'

Hole 17:
Short: 206'
Long: 269'

Hole 18: (Painted line / Parking OB)
Short: 307'
Long: 362'

Have a great night and see you in the morning!