Flight Path 2023   February 1, 2023 at 10:48pm

North Bay Park SKINS match 2-5-23

Gotta love February for finally pulling through with the chilliness we needed to make it back to the fabled and legendary north bay park bumblebee trashcan course on ford lake in ypsilanti. If your not familiar click on the course here on DGS and go to the comments to find further details. Basically, the course plays over an archipelago of tiny islands on ford lake, connected by wooden bridges. The course is only playable when there is solid walkable ice, which we will have Sunday if the forecast remains the same. If your disc is on ice, it is considered a hazard, and you play from your lie on the ice and take a stroke. Just about every island has a trash can, and we play from island to island, striking the trashcan as a target. Nothing quite like it, always exciting.

The format for this Sunday will be just $10 all in.. for a skins match. I'll pull $2 for ace pool Trash can aces will only pay $100. It will be winner take all, one tie all tie. So a mob skins round, should be pretty interesting. Park at the Huron Road Park and Ride carpool area across the street from bdubs. I'll drop a pin in reply.

Ben Ciccarelli   February 1, 2023 at 10:48pm

Huron Road Park and Ride https://maps.app.goo.gl/1BgJPccVsUdmKSJfA