Raw stats and all that other jazz to come shortly.
Also, don't forget this upcoming final week of January has:
1. WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE (more info to come on that Sunday)
2. League Swap Meet --- bring you discs for sale or trade!!!
3. Final Poker draw for January -- someone get paid $105!!!!
Northeast Ohio Indoor Putting League January 27, 2023 at 12:52am
Week 8 Leaderboard Updated!!
Results for Week 8 are posted! Click the link below tor the "Leaderboard" button on the league page for this week and all prior week's scores.
Raw stats and all that other jazz to come shortly.
Also, don't forget this upcoming final week of January has:
1. WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE (more info to come on that Sunday)
2. League Swap Meet --- bring you discs for sale or trade!!!
3. Final Poker draw for January -- someone get paid $105!!!!